Peer Mediation

We Focus on the Fix, Not the Fight
Troubled children are often enmeshed in social friction and scarred by rejection. By providing peer mediation training to adults, they are better equipped to help struggling children navigate conflict and negotiate disputes.
The Need
The need for intervention to help children deal with conflict is critical. Traditionally, schools and society have ostracized, suspended and alienated “bad actors” as a form of punishment, hoping to elicit better behavior the next time around.
Unfortunately, disenfranchising these youths is a disservice to them and has only resulted in making matters worse.
Essentially, children want to be heard. They want to feel a sense of belonging. And they want to feel empowered to solve their own problems. Peer mediation is an exceptional tool to accomplish all three.
The Method
Think it Through provides comprehensive peer mediation training for adults in teaching, counseling and caretaking roles. This course equips adults to mediate disputes between youngsters to diffuse conflict, create a culture of inclusion, and maintain an environment of respect and civility.
Think it Through Peer Mediation Training focuses on teaching adults strategies and techniques that yield successful outcomes, including how to:
Remain impartial
Communicate effectively (by restating, reflecting and paraphrasing)
Actively listen and ask the right questions
Isolate problems and clarify concerns
Facilitate giving and receiving feedback
Diffuse tempers and redirect communications
Brainstorm for potential solutions
Negotiate for compromise
Prepare a final agreement reflecting the obligations of each party
The Opportunities
Peer mediation training is not only useful in schools. Other community-based organizations can benefit from the positive effects of a well-implemented program. Anywhere school-age children congregate can potentially be an appropriate venue for delivering peer mediation training to the
overseers and caretakers in charge, including:
After school programs
Youth employers